Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay on Homers Odyssey Exploring Our Social Roots

The Odyssey: Exploring Our Social Roots In modern western society we are a people taught from very young that good manners and strong morality are necessity. The idea that the good will prosper and the bad will get what they deserve is widely accepted and applauded. However, these ideas about the social rules of modern civil man are not so novel. This same system of social behavior and belief is exhibited throughout the epic poem, The Odyssey. In this epic we find the roots of our contemporary social actions and convictions importantly displayed. All through this epic there are many examples to distinguish those civilized, who abided by social customs, and those who did not. One of the primary forms of†¦show more content†¦The time worn battle of good versus evil has spanned our human history. The presupposed idea that good will eventually overcome in the end is assumed by almost all people and is demonstrated frequently through this epic, and the display of this notion still gives one a sense of security in their morals as it did many years ago. Particularly, Odysseus entire struggle exemplifies this very principle. The Odyssey... unabashedly exhibits the triumph of life over death in terms of good over evil: quite simply, it suggests that Odysseus vindicated justice so strikingly that his name will never die. (Dimock 25) Deep exploration into Odysseus character is unnecessary to discover what made this man so just that his good triumphs even in our present culture. His morality is presented and contrasted so frequently and skillfully as to insinuate to this theme throughout ones reading. The first instance one may indicate is how Odysseus is spoken of and the chaos in his home with his absence. This impression of his moral fiber is brought to ones attention immediately as he is spoken highly of and compared to his shipmates whose own recklessness destroyed them all (Lawall, Fitzgerald 209) in the invocation to the Muse. Throughout the epic, Odysseus is referred of as the wise, the noble, quick-witted, tactful and countless other positive attributes by all acquainted with him and even by Homer.

Monday, December 16, 2019

An Importance of Education Free Essays

â€Å"Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare it today.† These words said by Malcolm X indicate how significant is the impact, which schools have on young minds. Good schooling is essential for every society and individual, as it is supposed to prepare students for the world of work later in life as well as to teach them the values and morals required in the society. We will write a custom essay sample on An Importance of Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now In other words, it is school where teenagers are equipped with necessary skills so that they can participate effectively as member of community, hence they have a chance to contribute towards the development of common identity. For that reason, there have been many attempts to create a school environment that will allow young people to grow emotionally, physically and mentally. Consequently, there are two main choices to make. This is having a single-gender education, or a school where students are in classrooms with a mixture of genders. However, as it has been previously stated, the school should be regarded as a reflection of the real world. The real world is coeducational though, so mixed schools are rightly considered to be more proper setting for the young learners. The main concern about single-sex classrooms is that its members will not be capable of maintaining successful relationships throughout their lives since they will be accustomed to interaction only with either boys or girls. Nevertheless, being able to communicate with the other sex is crucial to prepare students for the professional world. Coeducational schools perfectly serve this function, because collaboration in classrooms is both purposeful and supervised. What is more, children there have the opportunity to be taught a broader range of essential life skills e.g. understanding more diverse points of views, mutual respect or simply how to cooperate efficiently and create successful interpersonal bonds. On the contrary, single-sex schools not only limit these possibilities for forming friendships with the opposite sex but also hinder them, as such restrictions lead to perceiving the other sex in an entirely unrealistic, ideological way, simply because children lack the time spent together. Additionally, deficiency in mutual contact deprives young people from gender segregated classrooms of an enriching experience that is learning about and from each other. That fact can be further confirmed by many researches, in relation to which children need a mix of traditionally masculine and feminine characteristics, like playing competitive sports and discussing emotions, in order to be mentally healthy. Therefore, boys who spend their time mostly with other boys are thought to be possessive and to display aggression. Girls also benefit from the boys’ presence by being more courageous while performing in the society. Moreover, classroom assignment based on gender teaches young people that males and females have completely different types of intellects, which firmly supports stereotyping along with discrimination. Correspondingly, the common beliefs, that only boys can play football or videogames and only girls are allowed to play with dolls, reinforce sexism in schools and in the culture at large, as children tend to favor members of their own group, and be prejudiced against those in contrasting groups. By contrast, the children in the coed classroom are less probable to limit their interests according to gender – the girls can play football and the boys are allowed to play with dolls.Still, it has been argued that both sexes adopt different approaches towards learning, and taking it into account, they should be taught dissimilarly. Indeed, most same-sex classrooms allow teachers to tailor their lessons toward the specific needs of their students. For example, a class discussion of â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† in a boys’ school can involve a study of a boy’s first love analyzed from his perspective. Likewise, using books featuring lead female characters may be more appealing to young women or debating the impact of religion on young girls has the potential to really reach the target group, while such discussions in co-ed schools are usually less open and extended than those in a single-sex school. However, very few teachers are effectively trained to manage a single-gender learning environment, yet very few colleges offer specific programs or courses. Considering the fact that learning is best accomplished when the delivery method matches the subject itself, it is the quality of teachers’ training— not gender of their students — that determines how successful the outcome is.Because of that, although students can also learn from home, school environments are irreplaceable during development of young minds. Rather than separate boys and girls, schools should move in the entirely opposite direction which is training boys and girls how to work together, respect and support each other. It is not long before the youth of today will be the parents, co-workers, and leaders of tomorrow. Due to that fact it is especially important to take better advantage of coeducation to frame the truly egalitarian society, that we expect to encounter in the future. How to cite An Importance of Education, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Corporate Governance Forum Companies an Organization

Question: Discuss about the Corporate Governance Forum Companies an Organization. Answer: Introduction: In New Zealand, for achieving the long term growth in the capital market and for promoting good corporate governance in companies an organization is working named as New Zealand Corporate Governance Forum (Forum). Financial Market Authorities developed the corporate governance principles and guidelines in its FMA Corporate Governance in New Zealand Handbook for Directors, and such principles and guidelines are supported by forum. These principles and guidelines are applicable on large number of entities such as listed entities, unlisted entities, government entities and not-for-profit organizations. Changes in corporate governance focus on the board composition and board structure (NZ Forum, 2015). In this essay we start the discussion with the role and duties of directors in the context of regulatory, legal and statutory terms. In this we cover four questions related to case law that is issues in the strategy of Fonterra which need to review, how helpful these changes are in helping the directors in discharging their duties, applicability of proposed changes and in last opportunity directors has missed in revising the governance. Board Structure and Corporate Governance: Board of directors of the company plays a very important role in conducting the affairs of the company. In other words we can say that board of directors of the company are those tiers which run the company, and they are responsible to create the wealth for shareholders and provide services to the stakeholders of the company. Principles and guidelines set out by FMA will help the board of directors of the New Zealand companies in achieving high standards while complying with their duties and responsibilities (Securities Commission New Zealand, 2004). Section 131 of the Companies Act 1933 state the duties of directors to act in good faith and in the interest of company. According to this section: It is necessary that directors of the company exercise their powers in good faith, and in the best interest of the company. In case of director of the wholly owned subsidiary company, and if authorized by the constitution of the company to exercise his power then director must act in the good faith and best interest of the holding company even that act contradict with the interest of the company. In case of director of the subsidiary company not the wholly owned subsidiary company, and if authorized by the constitution of the company to exercise his power then director must act in the good faith and best interest of the holding company even that act contradict with the interest of the company. In case when director is carrying out any kind of joint venture between the shareholders or company, and for performing his duties related to joint venture, he is expressly authorized by the constitution of the company. Then in such case director must act in the good faith and best interest of the shareholder even that act contradict with the interest of the company (Companies Act 1933, n.d.). Section 135 of the Companies Act 1933 defines that directors of the company must not conduct the affairs of the company in such a way that create or cause to create any substantial risk to the creditors of the company (Companies Act 1933, n.d.). Section 135 of the Companies Act 1933 defines that directors of the company must exercise their power with due care, skill, and diligence (Companies Act 1933, n.d.). Principle of corporate governance described the board performance and composition. This principle ensures an effective board, and make sure that board of the company must consist of independent directors, skilled directors, directors have knowledge, experienced directors and perspective. Following are the guidelines of FMA issued to ensure effective board in the company: Company must have board that has appropriate balance of executive and non executive directors, and board also has independent directors. All directors of the company except those who are permitted by law and disclosed to the shareholders of the company must act in the best interest of the company. Every company must have the charter which states and defines the roles, responsibilities and duties of the director. It is necessary that board confirms that directors are fulfilling their duties in effective way (Institute of Directors, n.d.). It is necessary that directors ensure the proper structure of the Board for maintaining skills, knowledge, and experience in their board. Size of the board of directors of the company will rely on the factors like need of the company, nature of the company, and maturity. For the effective running of the company it is necessary that board has skill, knowledge and experience. Members of the board take collective decision by thinking and contribute expertise outside of their own areas. Therefore, it is necessary that board of the company comprise the best to attain the company goals, and also ensure the monitoring of the operations of the company. An individual must join the board only when he has competencies related to business, strategic, analytical and knowledge, and he also has ethical and personal qualities. For the continuous development of the company it is necessary that person must have knowledge competencies and these requirements are changed according to the company to company (Code of Practice for directors, n.d.). In the present case of Fonterra, company reviews its governance structure for the first time in 2013. After making review on the present structure of the company, and after proposed changes in accordance with corporate governance company asking for the feedback of the farmer owners. Company make following proposals: Reduced the size of the Board: Company decide to reduce the size of the board from 13 to 11, and proposed to remove 2 independent directors of the board. According to the research of the company there is no right number for the composition of the board. It was concluded from the research that smaller groups are more effective in taking decisions, and they are more efficient in creating the environment in which members make efficient decision, involve personally, and this increases personal accountability. The main issue in the strategy of the company is removal of independent directors from the board. The proposal of the company was supported by 50%, but board did not get vote from 75% shareholders of the company. According to the principal of corporate governance issued by FMA, Company must have board that has appropriate balance of executive and non executive directors, and board also has independent directors. In this case, if proposal of directors were approved by the shareholders then in such case Board of the company will reduce its independency (Fonterra, 2016). According to the Board of directors of the company these changes are made to make the board more efficient, and remove the unsuitable candidates from the board. Directors also changed the eligibility criteria for the farmer directors, and also proposed to allowed modern farmer ownership structures. These proposed changes help the directors in discharging their duties effectively and take decisions in the best interest of the company. These changes mainly focus on increasing the power of board in the company, and also board monitor the performance of the management of the company. Through these changes company wants to introduce skill and experience in their board, and wants to give power in the hands of farmer. Company also introduces new selection process for the board which increased the importance of farmers in the company. For the farmer directors company introduce the single transferable vote system (STV), and for independent directors they introduce pure board appointment process. Through these changes board strengthening the position of farmers in the company, following proposed changes are there which increase the control of farmers in company: Farmers can elect councilor on SHC to represent their matter. They can elect farmer directors through STV process. Ratify the appointment of independent directors. Farmers have the power to propose and pass resolution which is non-binding related to management of the co-op. They can call a special meeting of shareholders. Farmers can remove the directors of the company at any time. Farmers can control the constitution of the company. Through these powers company give control in the hands of the farmers, and also increase the efficiency of the board. the main of these proposed changes are Fonterra wants to strengthen itsgovernance and representation to ensure it can meetgoals including lifting the volume it collects to 30 billion liters of milk both in New Zealand and in overseas markets from 22 billion liters now, and driving revenue to $35 billion over the next decade from $18.8 billion. Fonterra miss the opportunity while focusing on these changes that it does not pay attention to the other aspect of the corporate governance, and other opportunities tto flourish the business of the company. Conclusion: In this paper, we discuss about the proposed changes introduced by the Fonterra. Changes proposed by the Fonterra was reduction in board size, increased the control of farmers, change the selection process in the board, and also introduce new eligibility criteria for the board. These changes are reviewed in 2013 and proposed by company in 2016. In this we conclude that these changes are adhered to corporate governance, and company wants to expand the business through these changes. References: Securities Commission New Zealand, (2004). Corporate Governance in New Zealand Principles and Guidelines. Retrieved on 11th October 2016 from: file:///C:/Users/Guest/Downloads/SecLaw_SBL-Q_NewZealandSecuritiesCommissionPrinciples.pdf. NZ Forum, (2015). Guidelines. Retrieved on 11th October 2016 from: https://www.nzcgf.org.nz/assets/Uploads/guidelines/nzcgf-guidelines-july-2015.pdf. Companies Act 1933-s131 Companies Act 1933-s135 Companies Act 1933-s 137 IOD.Code of Practice for directors. Retrieved on 11th October 2016 from: https://www.iod.org.nz/Portals/0/Publications/Founding%20Docs/Code%20of%20Practice.pdf. Institute of Directors. Draft Corporate Governance in New Zealand Principles and Guidelines. Retrieved on 11th October 2016 from: https://www.iod.org.nz/Portals/0/Governance%20resources/IoD%20NZ%20-%20Submission%20to%20FMA%20on%20corp%20gov%20principles.pdf. Fonterra, corporate Governance. Retrieved on 11th October 2016 from: https://www.fonterra.com/au/en/about/our+governance/corporate+governance/corporate+governance.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Girls in Their Summer Dresses free essay sample

â€Å"The girls in their summer dresses† by Irwin Shaw In the short story â€Å"The girls in their summer dresses† by Irwin Shaw, a couple’s marriage is in danger. A scene is played out from the early 1900’s of a middle aged couple going for a walk after breakfast on a Sunday morning. Michael, the husband is seen looking at a girl and Frances, the wife becomes emotional instigating a fickle dispute over Michaels actions. In their marriage Michael and Frances have different attitudes and expectations for a committed relationship; Michael is a stereotypical insensitive male who enjoys looking at beautiful woman and Frances is a stereotypical sensitive woman who’s actions are confused by feelings. Their marriage is in danger due to their different attitudes and expectations. Michael reasons it is fine to look at other woman and assuages Frances by stating I look at everything. God gave me eyes and I look at women and men and subway excavations and moving pictures and the little flowers of the field. We will write a custom essay sample on The Girls in Their Summer Dresses or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I casually inspect the universe. Frances eventually implies Michael want’s other woman You look at them as though you want them, Michael replies in a way thats true. â€Å" affirming Frances implication and furthering the altercation. Frances is emotionally confused Michael is looking at other woman, but Michael has been doing so before the marriage even started. This is clearly a cause for confusion as Frances did not bring up the issue until now. Michael is the stereotypical insensitive male who enjoys looking at beautiful women. Regardless of being married, Michael still desires other women and blatantly stares at them in front of Frances. Look out, Frances said, as they crossed Eighth Street. Youll break your neck. What starts out as an adverse acknowledgement turns out to be the epidermis of a much greater problem that is negatively affecting their marriage. Michael admits wanting to be free after Frances demands the truth, but does nothing to console Frances nor try’s to stop looking at other women in respect of their loyalty together. Upon hearing Michael’s sudden testimony Frances becomes emotional and no longer knows what to expect from their marriage. At first Frances planned on spending the day with just Michael â€Å"Lets not see anybody all day, but by the end of the dispute Frances wants to go into the country with the Stevenson’s Do you want me to call the Stevensons? she asked. Itll be nice in the country. Frances wanted Michael to be honest in the relationship Tell the truth. Michael goes on to reveal himself and Frances finally says Stop talking about how pretty this woman is, or that one. Nice eyes, nice breasts, a pretty figure, good voice, she mimicked his voice. Keep it to yourself. Im not interested. Frances and Michael have different attitudes and expectations of what marriage is supposed to be like and its eating away at their relationship. Frances is unable to understand Michael because of emotional instability. While Michael can’t see Frances’ distraught during the blunt testimony, Michael offers little consoling where Frances remains upset and the problem is not resolved.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Write 5-Paragraph Essay on Worker#8217;s Remittance

How to Write 5-Paragraph Essay on Worker#8217;s Remittance When you are writing a 5-paragraph essay on Worker’s Remittance there are a few key things you want to keep in mind. Like any writing assignment the purpose is to persuade your audience that the opinion you have or the information you are presenting is the most accurate. You want to think of every writing assignment that you have of this nature as a persuasive piece or an argumentative piece. Your job is to persuade your audience. The 5-paragraph essay on Worker’s Remittance is the most common piece you will write and every piece that you compose throughout the duration of your academic career will build off the skill set you learn for this particular piece. You, of course, need to select a topic from the broad notion of â€Å"worker’s remittance†, something which you can manage in just five paragraphs. With such limited space it is incumbent upon you to refine your topic to just one small aspect of worker’s remittance with three supporting details for that small aspect. You will likely need to refine your first topic idea multiple times. As the name would suggest this particular writing assignment contains five paragraphs. Each of these paragraphs serves a specific purpose. Introduction The introduction is the beginning, where you introduce to your readers the purpose of your task or your thesis statement as it is better known. This is where you present your hypothesis and where you present a quick summary of the information that you plan on explaining with further details in the body of your paper. Body Paragraphs The body paragraphs should each contain a specific point that you are making to support your thesis statement. Each point should be separated into a different paragraph because all 3 points have their own paragraph. You want to have a topic sentence for each paragraph which explains the topic of that particular portion and then you want to present supporting evidence that you have found. At the end of each you want to include a transitional statement to move to the next. Conclusion The conclusion is the final paragraph. It is here that you have to remind your reader of what information you presented on Workers’ remittance and what evidence you had to substantiate your claims. You have to make sure that you leave the reader with a strong ending note because most readers retain the conclusion more than the rest of your work. This is your final opportunity to share with the reader your thoughts and to convince them that your side is the best. This particular area should work in tandem with the introductory area to frame the middle. Both should summarize the information that is contained in the middle but the difference is the introduction merely summarizes the topic sentences while the remainder of the information you present within the body is summarized inside of the conclusion. This information should give you all the means you need to write a 5 paragraph essay on worker’s remittance. Backed up with our 10 facts on this topic as well 20 topics and 1 sample essay it will result into a solid academic paper for you.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Funny Alan Partridge Quotes

Funny Alan Partridge Quotes Each Alan Partridge quote on this page is unlike anything you have ever read before. The humor is off-beat, and you will have to spend some time getting used to it. But, Alan Partridge has a cult following, and as they say, a million Britishers cannot be wrong! Quotes About Wine and Food All this wine nonsense! You get all these wine people, dont you? Wine this, wine that. Lets have a bit of red, lets have a bit of white. Ooh, thats a snazzy bouquet. Oh, this smells of, I dont know, basil. Sometimes you just want to say, sod all this wine, just give me a pint of, mineral water. And, can I have the same, please? But with different shaped pasta. What do you call those pasta in bows? Like a bow-tie, but miniature? Like an action man bow-tie. Can I just shock you? I like wine. Despite what I just said earlier. At any one time, I have nine bottles of wine in my house. Zingers and One Liners Electrolysis. For hair removal... and... dissidents. BANG! Im James Bond. You make pigs smoke! Ha ha ha ha ha. Youve got to laugh when you fall off a sofa! Bloody Sofa. Classic Conversation to Lynn about Dan Dans a fantastic man! He really is. I was talking to him early and he asked me what kind of phone I had and I said a Motorola Timeport. And he said, thats saaad, you wanna upgrade. I said, so do you- to a new face. He nearly soiled himself! He said he was laughing so hard he had Kenco coming out of his nostrils, and that made me laugh. But...my nostrils were clear. More Funny Quotes Do you know what this bathroom says to me? Aqua. Which is French for water. Its like being inside an enormous Foxs Glacier Mint. Which, again, to me is a bonus. Guide dogs for the blind. Its cruel really, isnt it? Getting a dog to lead a man round all day. Not fair on either of them. Hello is that Currys? Id like to place an order for two supplementary, auxiliary speakers, to go with my Midi Hi-Fi system, apropos achieving surround sound. Apropos...its Latin. You got to have a basic grasp of Latin if youre working in..Currys. Oh  , youve got them excellent, one last thing, what time do you knock-off? Fancy going for a drink? No? Sorry, just thought Id ask. I do like that toilet. Its very futuristic, isnt it? Very, sort of, high-tech, space age. I can imagine Buck Rogers taking a dump on that. In the twenty-first century. Can I, have a go?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cometition law in international context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Cometition law in international context - Essay Example Statement of purpose The Minister of Trade and Industry should prevent nationalization of electronic mail service and reinforcing the monopoly of Greek Post office. These plans are anti-competitive and will lead to prices paid by consumers. Greek is a Member State of the European Union and several provisions, Regulations and legislations of EU aim at ensuring market competition. Background of the problem The new Minister of Trade and Industry in Greece is planning to nationalise the electronic mail service, reinforcing the monopoly of Greek post office in the delivery of traditional mail. The objective is to ensure that Greek post office maintains important market share of customers. However, most customers have already switched from the traditional postal services to modern electronic mail, which is offered by efficient private companies. After nationalization, the Greek post office aims at increasing the prices of both services since the costs of delivering the ordinary post has be en increasing over the recent years. The Greek post office will decline access to its facilities including fibre optic infrastructure, to private companies who would like to offer competition to Greek post office by providing internet service and electronic mail services. International competition law According to the European Union treaty on competition, member states are not supposed to enact policies that create rigidity in trade and hinder competition or distort the market economy. Article 101 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the EU prohibits agreements that distort market competition or encourage cartels. This article aims at prevention undertakings that restrict and distort market economies of the member states within the internal market. Some of the prohibited practices include limitations on production, technical development and investments in the market. Direct or indirect price fixation or the selling and buying prices and trading conditions are prohibited by the Articl e. Member states are prohibited from applying different trading conditions on similar transactions with other trading partners in the economy1. The EC Treaty provisions regarding competition are contained in Article 3 (g) and Articles 81-89 of the Treaty that established the European Community along with several regulations and subsidiary legislations. Articles 81 to Article 86 mainly apply to the trade undertakings while Articles 87 to Article 89 apply to the Member States. The primary objective of the EU competition law is to prohibit internal markets distortion. Article 81 (1) prohibits all trade agreements between undertakings and association decisions that may hinder trade between member states2. However, the Article makes exception s for the trade agreements that aim at improving the welfare of the EU citizens by promoting the distribution of goods or technical promotion, while allowing customers a fair share of the benefits of the trade agreement. The excepted trade agreement s should not impose conditions and restrictions on the customers in the access of the goods or eliminate free competition in the market in regard to the goods being produced. Article 1 (1) of the Regulations 1/2003, the agreements that are outlined in Article 81 (1) and that contravene conditions of Article 81 (3) are unlawful. Article 1 (2) of the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Eminent Domain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Eminent Domain - Essay Example You are flustered, angry, dumbfounded, and at your wits' end! Why me! Don't I have the right to do what I like with my own property No, you don't! Not when you are up against eminent domain. The state government has enough powers under eminent domain to take over your property, pay you a 'just compensation' and raze your house to the ground and start with their redevelopment plans. (Karen Sudol) condominium, bigger business, hotel or retailer by which the exchequer stands to generate higher tax revenue, then the property in question comes within the purview of the statutory criteria for 'blight' in New Jersey for redevelopment and for the greater good of the public. Or if someone owns a farm or if the place was recently flooded, the government enjoys the right to seize the property to preserve open space and alleviate damages caused by natural disasters. There is little that the property owner could do other than go to the court. And the litigation can drag on for years! The government seizes the property after paying 'just compensation' which according to the disadvantaged owners is anything but just. The only ones happy are politically-connected developers who have everything to gain by eminent domain. The hapless property owner in New Jersey has almost nothing to fall back on by way of legal recourse. (Stop Eminent Domain Abuse). Nobody would have believed t... Suddenly, the azure, scenic location of the New Jersey waterfront are being consigned to the cutting and crashing sounds of monstrous, razing bulldozers. Thirty two blocks of homes and businesses have been condemned as areas deserving redevelopment plan for private purposes. The new landscape under the redevelopment plan will see condominiums, big retailers, hotels, golf courses, and the likes. While the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of eminent domain, the local residents, particularly the elderly who have spent their lifetime in the nostalgic precinct have reason to worry. And Ashbury Park is being keenly watched because nowhere else has eminent domain been arbitrarily pushed down the throat with such high-handed expression of legal enforcement. (Greetings from Ashbury Park) Need for Eminent Domain Sure, not everyone is complaining. A good number seeing the positive side, or just because they could not care less, have consented. The fence sitters did not see any point in fighting a protracted court battle, did not see any merits in fighting the battle even if they ultimately won it. The determined bid by politicians and developers was enough to deter any such prospect. At any rate, not everything envisioned in eminent domain looked bad. The area did look like it needed cleaning up a bit anyway. Then there are old, derelict houses infested with rats and are in fit or unfit enough condition to be demolished right away. Children and the elderly have quite often found themselves bitten by these rodents and it was unsafe particularly in the dark. The flip side of eminent domain is its commitment to preserve open space and redevelop with

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Assessment and grading criteria Essay Example for Free

Assessment and grading criteria Essay Unit 1 – Fundamentals of Science Assessment and grading criteria To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to: To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to: To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to: P1 outline the key features of the periodic table, atomic structure and chemical bonding M1brelate the key features of the periodic table to the conclusions drawn from the practical activities D1vexplain how standard solutions and titrations are prepared in industry P2vdemonstrate practically the ability to prepare chemical solutions and test their accuracy see more:analyse factors that contribute to the wellbeing of individuals Scenario: You are working as a scientist for ‘Edvisprog’ – a company producing visual aids for education. The team is currently working on a web-based program to help students understand the key features of the periodic table and information to guide students to help the teaching and understanding of the use of titrations. You have to produce word documents or powerpoint presentations that will provide the information for the web-based software. Remember: During this (and other assignments) credit cannot be given for a diagram  copied from the internet unless, (1) It is referenced and (2) You have interpreted the diagram in some way, for example, added your own labels or further described the concept conveyed in the diagram. Task 1 – Chemical Bonding and the Periodic Table In this task you have to describe atomic structure, outline the key features of the periodic table and describe chemical bonding Draw a diagram of a Calcium atom, label the key components of the atom. P1i The periodic table contains over 100 different elements in a specific order. Describe how the atoms in the periodic table are arranged. You will need to make reference to (a) groups, (b) periods, (c) metals and non-metals, (d) solids/liquids/gases. Choose three different elements and explain why each is in a particular group / period P1ii Ionic, covalent and hydrogen are the three main types of chemical bonding. Draw a series of diagrams, with explanations to outline the process involved in each type. P1iii Task 2 – Volumetric Analysis This task will require you to make a ‘Standard Solution’, this is a solution of known strength. You will make a solution of sodium carbonate. The strength of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is usually measured in moles. A one molar (1M) solution means one mole of substance (solute) per litre of solution. A mole is the molecular mass of a substance in grams. To calculate the molecular mass, the atomic masses of all the atoms in the molecule need to be added together. For example, the sodium carbonate molecule consists of one atom each of sodium (Na), carbon (C), and oxygen (O). Their respective atomic weights are: Na 23,C 12 and O 16, so the molecular weight, is 23 + 23+ 12 + 16 + 16 + 16 = 106. Thus 106 grams of Na2CO3 equals one mole of Na2CO3, and a 1 molar solution of Na2CO3will contain 106 grams of Na2CO3chemical, per litre of water. Using all the safety measures required, make a ‘Standard Solution’ of sodium carbonate. It can be any strength you like (within reason!) but you must know the strength exactly. This part of the task will be assessed by the teacher. P2i You will now use your standard solution to calculate the strength of a sample of HCl (Hydrochloric Acid). Procedure†¦ 1. Rinse all equipment with distilled water 2. Using a pipette add 25 cm3 of Na2CO3 to a conical flask 3. Add 3 or 4 drops of phenolphthalein. The solution will turn pink. 4. Fill the burette with Hydrochloric acid. 5. Add acid to the alkali, note how much acid is needed to neutralise the sodium carbonate, the solution will turn clear (to the nearest 1cm3) 6. Repeat the experiment a further three times, this time being accurate to 0.1 cm3 7. Take the average of the acid needed (from the three experiments in the previous step). P2ii Calculate the strength of the acid using the following information†¦ Na2CO3 + HCl ïÆ'   NaHCO3 + NaCl At equilibrium: Moles of Na2CO3 = Moles of HCl (as they react in a 1:1 ratio) Molarity of HCl (moles per litre) x Volume of HCl (litres) = Molarity of Na2CO3 (moles per litre) x Volume of Na2CO3 (litres) Molarity of HCl (moles per litre) = Molarity of Na2CO3 (moles per litre) x Volume of Na2CO3 (litres or ml) Volume of HCl (litres or ml) P2iii M1i Task 3 – Further Calculations This task requires you to further understand and describe the molecular changes from the previous experiment. The experiment reacted Na2CO3 with HCl to make NaCl and H2O. 1. Explain what makes HCl an acid/ 2. Explain what makes Na2CO3 an alkali, when dissolved in water? The diagram of Sodium carbonate may help you to explain this 3. Why does the hydrogen (H) form a positive ion in a hydrochloric acid solution? 4. When acids and alkalis react they form a salt, explain why a salt (in this case NaCl) is a very stable compound? 5. Explain why Sodium is in group 1, period 3 and Chlorine is in group 7, period 3. M1ii Explain in detail how you prepared your base solution, including the calculations. D1i Task 4 – Titrations in Industry Standard solutions are used in the chemical industry to measure and check the strength of chemicals. One particular example is the conversion of WVO (waste vegetable oil) into biofuel for diesel engines. The pH of WVO needs to be altered so it is approximately 8.5, which is the same as normal diesel. Explain how the pH of WVO is measured in an industrial setting and why the pH must be accurately determined. The following websites may be useful: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titration http://alternativefuels.about.com/od/biodiesel/a/bdtitration.htm D1ii Edexcel Level 3 BTEC Nationals in Applied Science (Forensic Science)Name†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Unit 01 – Fundamentals of Science Assignment 01-01, Volumetric Analysis Unit 1 – Fundamentals of Science Assessment and grading criteria  To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to: To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the  pass criteria, the learner is able to: To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to: P1 outline the key features of the periodic table, atomic structure and chemical bonding M1  relate the key features of the periodic table to the conclusions drawn from the practical activities D1  explain how standard solutions and titrations are prepared in industry P2  demonstrate practically the ability to prepare chemical solutions and test their accuracy Marking Grid: Task 1 – Chemical Bonding and the Periodic Table P1i Labelled diagram of atom Yes / No P1ii Key features of periodic table Yes / No P1iii Key features of chemical bonding Yes / No Feedback: Task 2 – Volumetric Analysis P2i Experiment conducted safely Yes / No P2ii Basic results from experiment obtained Yes / No P2iii/M1i Molarity of HCl calculated Yes / No Feedback: Task 3 – Further Calculations M1ii Questions answered about acids, bases and the periodic table Yes / No D1i Explained how standard solution was made, including calculations Yes / No Feedback: Task 4 – Titrations in Industry D1ii Describe the titration of WVO and the subsequent implications Yes / No Feedback: Criteria Awarded: P1 P2 M1 D1 Date: Student Response to Feedback:Date: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Rhetorical Strategies in Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Essay

â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God†-Essay In the 1700’s the Puritans left England for the fear of being persecuted. They moved to America for religious freedom. The Puritans lived from God’s laws. They did not depend as much on material things, and they had a simpler and conservative life. More than a hundred years later, the Puritan’s belief toward their church started to fade away. Some Puritans were not able to recognize their religion any longer, they felt that their congregations had grown too self-satisfied. They left their congregations, and their devotion to God gradually faded away. To rekindle the fervor that the early Puritans had, Jonathan Edwards and other Puritan ministers led a religious revival through New England. Edwards preached intense sermons that awakened his congregation to an awareness of their sins. With Edwards’ sermon, â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God† he persuades the Puritans to convert back to Puritanism, by utilizing rhetorical strategies s uch as, imagery, loaded diction, and a threatening and fearful tone. Edwards applied masses of descriptive imagery in his sermon to persuade the Puritans back to their congregation. For example, he gave fear to the Puritans through this quote, â€Å"We find it easy to tread on and crush a worm that we see crawling on the earth, so it is easy for us to cut a singe a slender thread that any thing hangs by, thus easy is it for God when he pleases to cast his enemies down to hell†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. 153) In this quotation, he utilized vivid imagery because he wanted the Puritans to visibly imagine what he was saying through his sermon, on how angry God is with them, which made them convert back to Puritanism. Through the use of vivid imagery such as â€Å"crush a w... ...God†, by Jonathan Edwards successfully persuaded the Puritans to be converted back to Puritanism. Through Edwards’ sermon the Puritans were compelled to renew their faith back to God. Edwards gave the Puritans a sense of realization, which caused them to go back to their congregation. Edwards horrified the Puritans, with his use of vivid and descriptive imagery, which effectively persuaded them to return to the congregation. Through his utilization of numerous loaded and highly emotional diction, he petrified and convinced the Puritans to go back to the church of God. He also gloriously enhances his sermon with his utilization of threatening and fearful tone tormented the Puritans and convinces them to be pious once again. Jonathan Edwards’s utilization of numerous rhetorical strategies effectively persuaded the Puritans to convert back to their congregations.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies Essay

Apple corporation bases its success on â€Å"creating innovative, high quality products and services and on demonstrating integrity in every business interaction.† According to Apple, four main principles contribute to integrity: honesty, respect, confidentiality, and compliance. To more thoroughly detail these principles, Apple has drafted a code of business conduct that applies to all its operations, including operations overseas. Apple disappointed socially responsible investors. Apple has come under fire since around 2006 as details emerged surrounding the workplace environment at Apple’s Chinese suppliers. An article in The New York Times publicized unsatisfactory worker conditions, which included grueling 24-hour shifts, overcrowded dorms, exposure to toxic chemicals, and horrific explosions. Foxconn Technology Group operates many of the plants in question in Chengdu, China. When it comes to customers, Apple is said to be a bold innovator that leads the industry i nto new directions and forces others to follow. However, when it comes to the management of its supply chain and treatment of workers in the Chinese factories that make its products, Apple hides behind the constraints of prevailing industry practices. What is even more disconcerting is the fact that these practices are in violation of not only local and national laws, but also of Apple’s own voluntary self-imposed code of conduct. Most of Apple’s worker-related problems were focused on Apple’s manufacturing partner Foxconn and its subsidiaries. Apple’s China operations first caught international attention in June 2006 with a long story in Britain’s Mail on Sunday.1 This was followed by a series of similar stories in other leading international news media, and has continued to this day.2 Because of Foxconn’s secrecy, it is well-nigh impossible to develop an accurate assessment of the problems in the factories owned and operated by Foxconn and its various subsidiaries. However, a brief descr iption of extreme conditions prevailing in these factories and widely reported in the  media gave the readers some indication of the enormity of the problems that likely to existed in those plants. Apple has audited many of its suppliers and found violations of its Supplier Code of Conduct, but requesting its suppliers improve working conditions is not as powerful as changing suppliers to ones with more humane conditions. Part of the problem is that Apple has no legal liability for what happens in Chinese factories owned by separate manufacturers. Environmental organization Greenpeace had frequently campaigned against Apple, requesting elimination of non-recyclable hardware components, the removal of toxins from iPhone hardware, and a comprehensive take-back plan to prevent Apple products from ending up as waste. Greenpeace also began a protest in 2003 against Apple’s use of toxic PVC plastics and brominated flame retardants, or BFRs, in Apple’s products. Apple eliminated these chemicals in 2008, becoming the first laptop maker to do so (Corporate Responsibility Spotlight: Apple, September 14, 2012.) Workers assembling iPhones, iPads and other devices often labor in harsh conditions, according to employees inside China’s plants, worker advocates and documents published by companies themselves. Problems are as varied as onerous work environments and serious — sometimes deadly — safety problems. Under-age workers have helped build Apple’s products, and the company’s suppliers have improperly disposed of hazardous waste and falsified records, according to company reports and advocacy groups that, within China, are often considered reliable, independent monitors. The suppliers demonstrated disregard for workers health. In 2010, 137 workers at an Apple supplier in eastern China were injured after the workers were said to have been ordered to use a poisonous chemical to clean iPhone screens. In 2009 two explosions at iPad factories, including in Chengdu, killed four people and injured 77. Before those blasts, Apple had been alerted to hazardous conditions inside the Chengdu plant, according to a Chinese group that published that warning (Duhigg, Charles and Barboza, David. In China, Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad, (The NewYork Times) January 25, 2 010.) The publications outlining the ethics and social responsibility violations of Apple caused more consumers to actually start to wonder where and how Apple products are manufactured. Consumers have focused on Apple’s remarkable products rather than how they are produced. The New York Times story on iPad working conditions, for example, generated 1,770 reader comments. Many, if not most, blasted Apple  or the overall system of cheap labor. And an online petition prompted by the This American Life piece that called for Apple to protect Chinese workers had garnered roughly 166,000 signatures—and counting. I determined that Apple’s customers would be willing to pay more for its products if Apple had to increase selling prices in order to provide better wages and benefits for suppliers’ workers. Apple seems to make people crazy, described as a cult because it has such a vociferous following.† The Secrecy Strategy† (Moltz, John., Why Apple Drives People Crazy. Macworld. Feb2013, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p100-100. 1p). Stock-market and financial analysts are known to always have had a hard time understanding Apple because Apple does not sell commodity products or chase market share at the cost of everything else. Its modus operand i is: Enter a market, stake out the high end, and scoop up all the profit. As copycats such as Samsung flood the low end, Apple continued to hold the high end by evolving and differentiating products, while looking for new markets. One key approach used is to never telegraph punches; that way, no would know which market would be remade next. Hence Apple’s famous veil of secrecy, which further frustrated analysts. The bottom line was that the appeal of Apple’s products and its business strategies were said to be inscrutable, which made the company a Rorschach test. People saw what they wanted to see, and the idea that Apple’s fortunes are plummeting is more appealing to many than the idea that it might continue to ride high. The appeal of Apple’s products and its business strategies are believed to be both inscrutable. Apple joined the FLA in 2012 following intense public attention over allegations of widespread problems at Foxconn, China’s largest private employer. The FLA said both Apple and Foxconn â€Å"have agreed to ongoing assessments by FLA in order to ensure that labor practices meet FLA standards and remain in compliance for the long term.† Current and former Apple executives, moreover, say the company had made significant strides in improving factories in recent years. Apple has a supplier code of conduct that details standards on labor issues, safety protections and other topics. The company has mounted a vigorous auditing campaign, and when abuses are discovered, Apple says, corrections are demanded. And Apple’s annual supplier responsibility reports, in many cases, are the first to report abuses. This month, for the first time, the company released a list identifying many of its suppliers. Apple has continued to be aggressive in  calling out suppliers who don’t meet up to its code of conduct. In January, Apple said it had fired Pingzhou Electronics – after it was found to be hiring underage workers. Apple’s Supplier Code of Conduct sets the minimum age for workers at 15. (Apple’s Labor Practices In China Scrutinized After Foxconn, Pegatron Reviews. Forbes.com. 12/12/2013, p2-2. 1 p. 1 Chart). What made Steve different from other marketers, is that he understood that his job as a marketer was not to focus on making money or sales, and, unlike other marketers, Steve’s marketing skills was seem in the way he presented his products: Here are some of the quotes that reflect Steve’s focus in business: If it could save a person’s life, could you find a way to save ten seconds off the boot time? You‘ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward—not the other way around. Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying that they had done something wonderful is what mattered to Steve. Steve made the marketing process simple; if he gave people what they want, educated them on why they needed it, showed them how it will improve their lives, and why no other competitor’s products could compete with the convenience and ease of use of yours, customers would be willing to spend. References Apple’s Labor Practices In China scrutinized after Foxconn, pegatron reviews. Forbes.com. 12/12/2013, p2-2. 1p. 1 Chart. Apple’s Marketing Strategy – Sell On Value, Not Price. Retrieved from http://www.chrisnosal.com/apples-marketing-strategy-sell-products-on-value-not-price/ (Duhigg, Charles and Barboza, David.( January 25, 2010). In China, human costs are built into an iPad, (The NewYork Times). Frauenheim, Ed. February 6, 2012. Bad Apple: Could the era of exploitation outsourcing be near its end? Retrieved from http://www.workforce.com/blogs/2-work-in-progress/post/bad-apple-could-the-era-of-exploitation-outsourcing-be-near-its-end) Kannel, Charlie, The Motley Fool (September 14, 2012) Corporate responsibility spotlight: Apple. (Daily Finance). Ira Kalb, Marshall School of Business, USC . (September 13, 2013) Apple’s ‘Cheap iPhone’ might not be that affordable, but it does protect the brand (Business Insider). Retrieved from

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Planning Process Paper Essay

I will compare the planning process to my current workplace. Followed by what I believe would be more crucial and why I think that. Also, I will briefly go over why I do not believe organizations can over-plan during this process. The Basic: Planning Process Step #1: Situational Analysis—This step is where you would typically answer the question, â€Å"Where are we now? † (Amicaall). In my current workplace, the main focus in this step is to be sure that the customer is aware of the customer survey that lucky few may receive. Now, the goal is to be sure the ones who may receive this survey are honest when filling it out with the most accurate information. All survey’s are read and sent to the dealership the vehicle was serviced, or purchased. Therefore, any concern from the customer will highly be considered. We assure that ever individual that has an opportunity of receiving one of these important surveys is aware when delivering the vehicle after any services. So that if there is an issue with the service, that they please notify us before filling out the survey this way we are sure the customer is happy with all services. Also, so that the consumer will know how honesty we stand by our word of correcting and listening to their suggestions by making them happy right away. â€Å"Planners should gather, interpret, and summarize all information relevant to the planning issue in question. A through situational analysis studies past events, examines current conditions, and attempts to forecast future trends† (Bateman & Snell, 2007). By us being sure that are customers are aware of the survey ahead of time, we are more than likely to get a better knowledge of where we may need to focus more on improving or attempting the consumer’s ideas. By doing so, we are more like to achieve reaching our goals. Step #2: Alternative Goals and Plans—â€Å"based on the situational analysis, the planning process should generate alternative goals that may be pursued in the future and the alternative plans that may be used to achieve those goals† (Bateman & Snell, 2007). A lot of our goals set at work are not just to be sure that all customers are happy but also that they know if there’s something that has not instantly been put into effect that we are still in the process of doing so. It may be something that takes a little more financial effort as well as time. For example, a lot of customer have mentioned the would like if their vehicle was washed and vacuumed after every service. We state the following to the customer when this is brought to our attention, â€Å"As of now we are relocating to another facility, fortunately we will be in a bigger building that will also have a car wash available. But for now we have washed your windows and vacuumed the vehicle. We look forward to being able to serve you better. Step #3: Goal and Plan Evaluation—â€Å"next, managers will evaluate the advantages, disadvantages, and potential effects of each alternative goal and plan† (Bateman & Snell, 2007). This is pretty simple; the goal and plan evaluation is discussed every morning within our manager meetings. Some of the ideas in plans they’ve discussed in meetings are the following: complimentary snacks, drinks, opening a Starbucks coffee station and mai ling/emailing great coupons, specials off of services, even possibly a parking garage. The managers gather together to see what is best benefiting the customers and if there are any new ideas that may be brought to their attention. One, manager even stated he over heard a customer state to another customer, â€Å"that it wouldn’t be a bad idea if they had wireless internet so that I could continue to work while my vehicle is being serviced, you would think they would be caught up with the technology no days. † If so what they plan on doing to implant them, are they realistic and attainable? While in the meeting they’ll discuss several ideas and examples of how to keep all eyes and ears open for any future goals and plans. Step #4: Goal and Plan Selection—â€Å"once managers have assessed the various goals and plans, they will select the one that’s most appropriate and feasible† (Bateman & Snell, 2007). After everyone discussing and gathering information from consistent consumers the dealership has decided to select the following as plans for the future; parking garage, complimentary drinks, a Starbucks station that consists of snacks, breakfast and lunch sandwiches up for purchase. Until the Starbucks station has built their customers, we have coupon vouchers so that the customer may have their first Starbuck’s Drinks for free. As all these ideas come out the next step would be to be sure the news letter gets mailed and emailed out to all of our customers and consumers. The newsletters will state all goals and plans that have been selected for our future facility. Step #5: Implementation—â€Å"once managers have selected the goals and plans, they must implement the plans designed to achieve the goals† (Bateman & Snell, 2007). Well, as of now the dealership has implemented a lot of the planned goals. By this I mean, we now have a Starbucks station filled with snacks and many different beverages. We also have put a refrigerator full of all types of sodas and water all complimentary for all customers and purchaser of Toyota Sales and Service. As for the Parking Garage and Car Wash they are both in the works, we have blue prints showing where the next facility will be built. Step #6: Monitor and Control—â€Å"although it is sometimes ignore, this step in the formal planning process is essential. Planning works in a cycle; it is an ongoing, repetitive process. (Bateman & Snell, 2007). Now, the way the company monitors and tracks all the works in cycle is by asking all customers that look like they have purchased or used the vouchers if they enjoy having Starbucks. All mentioned it’s a great change and they all thanked the company for taking the time to listen to their ideas. The managers noticed that all surveys they were receiving had plenty comments about how the changes really benefit them. A lot commented on the wireless internet how covenant it was to have service performed on their vehicle and it didn’t even seem that they weren’t at work because they could still use their computer and complete work assignments. To management it seemed that they were on the right track, by listening to the customers they could make most of them happy and keep their business. By doing so it seems that they’re helping to provide a better workplace as well as a great setting for people to achieve personal as well as career goals. In conclusion, an organization can not be very successful if they do not stay within the basic planning process. As I’ve explained above every step is very important, though one I believe is most crucial and that is Step #! Situational Analysis. The reason why I feel this is most important is because if you analyze a situation incorrectly then you may be headed in the wrong direction as far as improving. The situation may not need any correction or improvement at the time, therefore the situation that needs most improvement may be overlooked. I don’t believe that any organization may over plan because the more effort put into planning the more correction or ideas m ay be created. This will prepare the organization for several different scenarios.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


How to Read Our Teaching Explanations (Answers / Solutions) SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips At PrepScholar, we call our answers / solution manuals â€Å"Teaching Explanations†, because we believe answers should be geared to teaching you how totackle the question. This is why we answer your questions in up tofour different ways.Let's go overthe different types and what they mean. Short Answer: This is the short and technically correct answer you’ll sometimes see in official solution manuals. It’s correct, but often can leave you without knowing where to start. Also, it makes for a poor problem set / homework answer. If I were a math professor, this is what I would put to show another math professor I know my materials. Homework Answer: As a professor, this is the answer that I’d expect on my students’ problem sets and homework in order to get an A. You not only have to get the answer, but also â€Å"show your work†. What I’m looking for is that you know the right way to get the answer. While homework answers will get you an A, it might not be the best for actually understanding the question, and to make sure you get an A on the final exam. The problem with homework-quality answers is that it proves to someone who is more knowledgable that you that you know your materials. It doesn’t provide the motivation for how to get to the answer! Motivated Answer: This is the best place to start to truly understand the solution. It’s a â€Å"authentic mental walkthrough† of all the steps that a new student learning the material for the first time should be sequentially thinking about. It teaches you how to think so that not only do you solve this problem, but you also learn to solve other similar questions. Video: This is a video of an impromptu explanation. It’s meant to mimic the motivated answer, and sometimes can fit into homework answer category. Videos will often contain extra details that can help you, so if the motivated answer doesn’t do it for you, watch the video too!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Adam And Eve The Duality Of Humanity Religion Essay

Adam And Eve The Duality Of Humanity Religion Essay Paradise Lost’s Adam is a rational, clever and trustworthy character who has an amazing rapport with the highest power, God. It can even be argued that before he fell, his was the epitome of humanity, as perfect a human as ever existed. He shares this trait with Eve who is the most perfect and complete woman. This view has been reciprocated by many religious denominations but each has interpreted it in their own unique ways; from Calvinists to puritans to Milton each has interpreted the story of Genesis in their own unique way. Like Adam who was perfect, to the belief that eve was flawed, each has built their own mythos around the story of the genesis of mankind. The Adam represented in Milton’s Paradise Lost is an exceedingly rational being, and can understand greatly sophisticated and complex ideas nearly instantaneously. However this perfection hides several deep and critical flaws present within his character. His character and insight is demonstrated when after ob serving Raphael’s descent into Eden, Adam orders eve to, â€Å"go with speed, / And what thy stores contain, bring forth and pour / Abundance, fit to honor and receive / Our Heav’nly stranger† (V, 313-316). To which Eve answers, â€Å"Adam, earth’s hallowed mould, / Of God inspir’d, small store will serve, where store, / All seasons, ripe for use hangs on the stalk† (V, 321-323). These word which at first seem stiff and of an overly formal method, nonetheless helps reveal the relationship of Adam and Eve. Adam is in charge, but his request for Eve to prepare a meal is not in any way dismissive. She understands that and her response, is in accord with that message. This transitory conversation is not that of a master and servant but of two people who hold themselves in equal regard. His relationship with Eve is not the only conversation between equals, as he also talks with Raphael as an equal. He converses with the archangel Raphael as an eq ual both, socially in his standing, and intellectually in his ability to clearly understand the meanings behind the Raphael’s words. However this ends after Adam’s fall from the grace of god. After his fall Adam loses his pure intellect and his rationality leading him to brash and increasingly non-rational actions, stripping him of his ability to converse with the angels as an equal. Adam’s greatest flaw is his unequivocal love for his wife Eve. He falls I love merely upon seeing her for the first, and even confesses to the archangel Raphael that his attraction is nigh overwhelming. Though warned by Raphael to keep his dangerous emotions in check he completely disregards Raphael’s earnest urgings. After Eve eats from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, quickly devours a fruit from the same tree in order to prevent him from being separated from her even momentarily. Eve has become an indispensable companion in his life and he will do anything in order to prevent himself from being separated from his only love. His other major weakness is his insatiable curiosity. He manipulates the angel Raphael to extract more information from him,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Short story the company of wolves Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Short story the company of wolves - Essay Example Her aging grandmother had set an example of a staunch Christian by spending her days singing praises and her defense against the wolves included hurling a bible at them. The wolves in the story clearly represent a sexual predator, a man who believes this is their world to take; a man’s world. A world in which the female gender are taught to fight, fear and shield themselves as the only way for survival. The wolves represent sexual predators, rapist, domestic abusers and all forms of temptation, as written by Carter (1979) "the wolves have ways of arriving at your own hearthside. We try, and we try but sometimes we cannot keep them out" (p. 647). Women are clearly taught to be ashamed of temptation; that it is a sin to be tempted. The woman in the company of wolves who was bitten by wolves while straining macaroni clearly fell into temptation as she carried out her maternal duties, showing temptation has no respect, no boundaries, so women should always be alert; always be on the defensive. Her father, being a man himself seems to be aware of what danger the little girl clearly faces out in the woods and thus is seen to be so protective. The little girl clearly represents a new breed of evolving women who are aware of their femininity. The girl is shown to be at the tender age where she is getting to know herself. She is aware of the transformations taking place within her body; according to Carter (1979) â€Å"Her breasts have just begun to swell; her hair is like lint, so fair it hardly makes a shadow on her pale forehead; her cheeks are an emblematic scarlet and white and she has just started her womans bleeding, the clock inside her that will strike, henceforward, once a month. She stands and moves within the invisible pentacle of her own virginity. She is an unbroken egg; she is a sealed vessel† (p. 650). Carter clearly describes the feminine features that the girl carries, features and

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Mentoring, Americans with Disabilities Act, Flex-time, Workplace Assignment

Mentoring, Americans with Disabilities Act, Flex-time, Workplace Security, and Performance appraisal - Assignment Example The four phases are (Boreen et.al, 2000): A mentoring relationship is based on numerous factors that relate to the success of the process as preferred by both the mentor and mentee. The basic relationship requirements include (Boreen et.al, 2000): The process of mentoring provides significant influence in career development. In women and minority groups mentoring is regarded as a mandatory requirement. Women and minority are viewed as a weaker part of the human race. For this reason, they are exposed to limited career opportunities and resources. Through mentoring this gap is lessened as they are provided an opportunity to learn basic career requirements from experts. This also improves their succeeding probability. The ADA was created to respond to the plight of the disabled or otherwise challenged persons. The Act was signed in 2009 by President Bush. Main components in the Act focused on making work places comfortable for the disabled or other wise challenged persons. Additionally, public places and entities were also required to be observant of the Act (Schall, 1998). In the act the beneficiaries are described as people with physical disabilities. The act excluded the inclusion of people affected by drug or substance abuse and visually impaired people whose sight can be corrected by the use of an optical lens. The ADA has positively impacted the working environment as companies have become more sensitive in making working places comfortable to the disabled persons. To ensure compliance of the ADA, an employer should put in place systems and mechanisms that address the issues raised by the ADA. For instance, an organization should advice other employees against discriminating against disabled persons (Schall, 1998). Traditional work schedules were heavily demanding on employees as they had to work during many hours and the output displayed could not match the time taken to complete tasks. Working on full time or eight hour day daily on the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

European Union Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

European Union Law - Essay Example There are essential institutions that this organization comprises; these are the European Commission, the European Central Bank, the European council, the council of European Union, the European Parliament and the Court of Justice of the European Union. In this paper, we will be emphasizing on the Court of Justice of the European Union as an institution built up by the organization to settle the predicaments, anomalies and ambiguities in its polices and statutes regarding its rule of law. Also, the power of the judiciary branch and its role in the union will be tackled heavily, we will be looking into its structure and what can it do in the political sphere especially in policy making process. Thus, Article 267 of the consolidated version of the treaty on the functioning of the European Union (TFEU) will be stress also, stating its jurisdiction to give preliminary rulings concerning the interpretation of laws and treaties of the organization as well as the validity of the acts done b y the member states and of the institutions, bodies, offices or agencies of the Union. Furthermore, the composition of the European Union and its function on the states regarding its laws and its effect to their political and judicial structure will be highlighted. To what extend has the EU become a federal state? The European Union has a very important role in the political system of its member states. As mentioned above, it is comprised of several commissions, council and other political agencies which supervise the actions of the organization as well as its member countries. When the states agreed to put up the Union, they already bind themselves under the law to govern their actions between each other. Also, the existence of Union’s parliament, European council and European commission strengthen the power of the organization in governance, having a strong power to preside over the actions of its members. Thus, we can compare these proceedings of the EU into a federal form of government making the EU’s decision as the primary ruler, ensuring the validity of the action’s done by the member countries and the supervising them whether they conform to the laws set by the organization (Moe, 1990). We can assume the complete power of the Union over its member countries due to the fact that it can impose penalties and punishment to the member whose performance is against the law implemented by the organization. Article 258 of the TFEU states that â€Å"the Commission may initiate infringement proceedings (enforcement actions) against a Member State for non-compliance with EC law; rounds of negotiation with the government then ensue; if these fail, the Commission may refer the matter to the Court for decision.† Unlike other organizations like the Association of the South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) who cannot impose punishments to its member countries, the EU is a very powerful organization that it can actually control the countries that a re associated to such making a more united country like a federal state. Does the Treaty of Lisbon form a constitution for the state? The treaty of Lisbon is an international agreement, signed by the EU member states, amends the two treaties (TEC and TEU) which comprise the constitutional basis of the European Union. The treaty establishing the European Community (TEC) was renamed to treaty on the functioning of the European Union (TFEU) which is comprised of laws, rules and regulation governing its

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Importance of CSR for companies in Mauritius

Importance of CSR for companies in Mauritius CSR has been subject to much analysis for different types of businesses who were controlled and managed by futurist and modern managers who were here to provide a new dimension in the business era. It is a concept where managers or leaders of certain firms decide to contribute voluntarily for a better social environment. Companies provide us with these because they have they need to contribute back for the land that they use. The other reason is that it is purely voluntary, and they provide us with such services without expecting anything in return. May researches have come with various definitions of CSR, but however, they all posses the following characteristics in common: Business commitment to try to add value and a better way of living for the whole society. Making society benefit from it Protecting nature and our environment Vyarkarnam also found out during his study that CSR dealt with these following areas: environmental problems, charities and donation, Investment in activities. Corporate Social Responsibility is a process that companies apply to bring benefits to the society. The latter has legal, commercial, ethical and public expectations from business activity. CSR is implemented in a way such that it meets the needs and in some instances, exceeds the expectations. The equivalent testimony gave some evidence of the diverse School of thoughts which interpret CSR differently worldwide. Definition of CSR from Ghana is CSR is about capacity building for sustainable livelihoods. It respects cultural differences and finds the business opportunities in building the skills of employees, the community and the government,  however Philippians CSR is about business giving back to society.   Theoretical Rationale behind Corporate Social Responsibility 2.1 The Social Contract Theory The Social Contract Theory hypothesizes that the cornerstone of morality are uniform social accords that best serve the interests of those who make the agreements. (A.K.H. Khor) This means that if the social contract between the business and the community is breached, there will be conflict leading to a revocation of the contract and the firm then risks sanctions imposed by the individuals of the society. For example demand may be reduced, legal restrictions may be imposed, and also denial of human and financial resources. 2.2 The Legitimacy Theory It is said that the Legitimacy Theory and the Social Contract Theory are inter connected. To be viewed as being socially responsible, investors do not hesitate to pay a premium for corporate behaviour (Pava and Krauze, 1996; Toms, 2000). This is so because it ensures the continual inflow of capital, labour and customers needed for viability. This proves the importance of CSR The confidence of corporate stakeholders suffered a serious blow, undermining their faith in the accounting profession, following the revelation of the corporate scandals at WorldCom and Enron. Thus a call has been made for more transparent reporting and the Legitimacy theory arose and implied the above social contract. 2.3 The political Economy Theory This theory is quite a recent one, and it gives us a good approach on how to explain CSR. That is, this theory states that economics and politics cannot be separated. The mission and long term objective of the firm should coincide with that of the government. Hence, it is obvious that firms engage in CSR by taking into consideration its employees, the society and other stakeholders affected by its activities. Thus, this approach gives us a good idea as to why firms engage in these activities. 2.4 The stakeholder theory According to Milton Friedman, the main objective of an organisation in the past was profit making and maximization. That is, firms were established only in the view of making profit, ignoring the harmful effect that they might be doing to the society at large. At these times, there were no firms engaging in CSR activities. The stakeholder theory is a theory of organizational management that tries to address different topics in business, such as, morals and values in management. This theory was originally put forward by Edward Freeman. According to him, a business does not only involve the owner, management and workers of the company. It involves the society at large, that is, the government, political groups, communities and even competitors. Freeman stated that when doing business, it was immoral just to reward the workers and owners of the business. Instead, it should be rewarding the whole society at large, and hence, coming forward with CSR activities. The stakeholder Theory attempts to justify the provision of social information in an attempt to gain stakeholder support and thus minimize the costs of dealing with complaints and actions that might otherwise affect them. (Davis, 2003) We can categorize the stakeholders of the companys: Shareholders; Employees; Suppliers; Customers; Government; Trade unions; Business associates; local community and Even competitors. Ullmann (1985) suggested a model based on the stakeholder theory according to which, if stakeholders control the essential resources it is ultimate for business to responds positively to the demands of the former. As an empirical accountability, the organisations identify its stakeholders. This is supported by by referring to the extent of which the organisation believes in the interplay with each group needs to be managed in order to further the interest of the organisation, the more important the stakeholder to the organisation, the more effort will be extended in managing the relationship. The impact of CSR on the decision making of stakeholders of a business. Shareholders. RARE researches brought, a company indulge in Corporate social Responsibility efforts can strengthen the voice of shareholders in sustainability matters. On a better information basis, they can assess their companys sustainability performance and assert their rights to promote more corporate responsibility (Shareholder activisms). Shareholders look for confidence and hope in a company. Therefore guided by their ethical principles, many investors choose firms taking into consideration the social and environment issues. In the study of Epstein and freedman, investors reduce the uncertainty about the value of their investment through reducing their environmental risks and the firms product safety and quality among others. Employees The literature of management science regard the relationship of management-employee as an essential one, employees are one of the key stakeholders for any business and evidence is growing of the importance of employees attached to the companies demonstrating their CSR records through progressive employment practice as well as through their behavior as good corporate citizens to know about the working conditions and sustainability job hunters make use of the annual report. Companies promoting the social responsibility provide such information through CSR disclosure. Crowther says that employees are search to work for companies that reflect and embody their values and who are as concerned about principles as they are with profits. In search of job security, CSR disclosure is helpful to employees. suppliers For suppliers, CSR such as fair trade practices hold the potential that the buying company grants preferential purchasing conditions, frequently to stabilize the exchange relation and gain legitimacy as well as customers (RARE research project). Thus it can be deduce that suppliers also use CSR to some extent to establish good commercial relationship. Customers Through CSR activities like reporting companies provide more (non-financial) information to customers who can then take better informed decisions on purchasing or rejecting the companys product (voice; cf. Rrubik et al. 2000) A fresh event marked by The oil spill in the gulf provoked a total chaos leading to BP customers rejecting BPs products worldwide. Local Community According to Glautier and Underdown (1994), local communities are very dependent on local industries, not only because they provide employment, but also because they directly affect the entire socio-economic structure of the environment. Industrial activities have always both positive and negative impact on the community at large. CSR disclosure is useful to the community in the sense that they may identify the companies with the good companies-public relationship. As such, the local community has an interest in the activities of the local industries, and requires much more information on social benefits and cost than the public relations-type information. government The government use CSR disclosure as a tool to set norms and assess a companys environmental concern. CSR may constitute a framework for cooperative governance where the traditional means of the state fail: public private (or trilateral) cooperations might make accessible information, innovation, and legitimacy potentials that allow the tackling of sustainability problems more effectively. Wolff (2004). 4.0 Why do companies indulge in CSR activities? It can be seen, especially after big international crisis, which businesses need to reflect on how to improve the image of their company. Milton Friedman argued it is the head of firms, that is, executives that have the responsibility towards society and other stakeholders. Friedman says that if actions that have been done result in a decrease in the return of shareholders, an increase in the price for consumers or result in a decrease in the wages of employees, customers and shareholders are spending money for the corporate social responsibility issues. Like said by smith in The Wealth of the nations (1776), It is not from the benevolence of the baker, the brewer and the butcher , that we get our meal, but from their regard to their own best interest is in line with what Friedman says in his book , Capitalism and Freedom where he refer to social responsibility in firms as a fundamentally subversive doctrine in society nowadays where businesses main aim is to make maximum profits by using recourses effectively. Therefore as said by Friedman, a businesss duty is to make as much profits as it is legally possible. In his paper, the author titled Morality in the Marketplace, Robert Almeder questions whether corporate behavior should be restricted by moral or illegal considerations. In the paper, the author takes the example of general motors and firestone that knowingly made the promotion of a defective product even though they knew that it would reduce their market share. He also talk about the lack of morality of advertising companies that promote the consumption of cigarettes knowing that this is prone to attract more smokers and therefore will increase the number of people who might get lung cancer and many other disease. According to him, to make businesses act more responsibly , authorities should come up with a laws such that corporate managers should effectively put CSR in practice , at their own expense rather than censured and fines a sum from corporate profits. (Almeder, R et al (1983) (eds) Business Ethics: Corporate values and society) The form of corporate social responsibility most commonly found in businesses are them taking care of the environment around them. Environmental issues are an inescapable part of planning business strategies for the foreseeable future and boards of directors who ignore this, do so at their own peril. 5.0 Is it relevant and worthwhile for companies to report on CSR issues? It is important for a business to communicate properly its financial position and equally its plans and actions concerning the social responsibility so as to maintain the good relationship of existing stakeholders and attract potential investors. According to Roger Adams, ACCAs executive director, it is becoming more and more pressing and urgent for companies to indulge in CSR if they want to enhance their corporate reputation, thus supporting the above statement. He also said that global investors increasingly regard good environmental management as an integral element of overall governance and accountability. Moreover in an analysis on Post-Eron: Post-Andersen, Roger Adams proceeds to say that Pressure is mounting foe companies to widen the scope of corporate public accountability and many are responding by including social data in their reports, preferably through a well managed process of stakeholder dialogue. (Accounting Business, July/August 2002) Based on Roger Adams statements, it is clear that globally CSR has rooted its importance in the world of business and helps in corporate sustainability and success showing its relevance and worthiness. Lack of ethical standards and social responsibility has lead to corporate collapse in various parts of the world recently leaving scar on the global economy. Howard Davies put forward that event in the US for the past years demonstrate that a breakdown in of ethical standards within a firm can carry high reputational and financial penalties. (Accounting Business, February 2003) Stakeholders are required to portray a good governance of an organisation, its transparency and proper accountability to access organizations worthiness. In Rachel Jacksons (ACCAs head of social and environmental issues) words: the increased influence of non governmental organisations NGOs) and the demand by the stakeholders for greater transparency, organizational accountability and good governance were key drivers for CSR. Accounting Business, June 2004). Moreover she adds that some potential advantages that can be derived by business practicing transparency and accountability can be: enhancement of business reputation, improvement of investor relations and access to capital, increase in competitiveness and market positioning. Other factors that push companies to be socially responsible are: Economic rationality considerations, To comply with borrowing requirements, To benefit from lower resource use and operation cost, And to improve competitive advantage and global exposure. 6.0 Empirical evidence of CSR. 6.1 The usefulness and relevance of CSR disclosure. Empirical studies effected by Belkaoui (1980) and Milne (1999), and Hendricks (1976) proved that CSR disclosure is useful and relevant. However results obtained were in favor of both positive and negative impact on investment decision. Hai Yap Teah and Godwin Y Shiu also carried out an empirical study which revealed that social responsibility disclosure in company annual reports may be more helpful in decision making if the data is presented numerically that focus on product improvement and fair business practices. Hence, we can deduce that for CSR disclosure to be deemed relevant and useful, it should speak the language of figures. Formbrun and Shanky put forward some empirical evidence which suggest that the greater a companys contribution to social welfare is; the better the goodwill becomes. Hereby they may benefit from premium prices, enhance their access to capital market and attract investors. Hence it supports the school of thought advanced earlier by other research work extending the impact of CSR on investment decision. According to Mc Gaire et al (1988) a firm that is perceived to be acting responsibly will face less labor unrest and will gain kudos in the eyes if its potential customers, increasing its sales base. Nevertheless, the other side of the coin refers to the fact that it s not necessary that CSR disclosure directly improves the profitability for mixed results obtained. 6.2 CSR Framework as developed by ERNSTERNST (1978) Six areas have been found by Ernst and Ernst (1978), in which corporate social objectives may be set. They are: Environment Fair business practices Human recourses Community involvement Energy Products 6.3 Code of Corporate Governance However in section 7 of The Code of Corporate Governance for Mauritius , that is , the Integrated Sustainability Reporting identifies four areas which should be subject to disclosure . They are: Ethics Environment Health and Safety Social issues These information are considered important by The Code as it is considered as informative and will help stakeholders build a culture of social and environmental responsibility. (Code of Corporate Governance section 7) 6.3.1 Ethics Ethics means being responsible , diligent and integer. A business disclosing ethical principles will make people trust in it as they will know that the company has a good code of conduct. It will be assumed that this company is aware and concerned about its duties towards society and stakeholders. 6.3.2 Environment Firms should do their utmost best to reduce the negative effects of industrial production and adopt more effective and efficient methods to make least use of exhaustive recourses. The company should disclose any project that they do which have for effect to help in preserving the environment. 6.3.3 Health and Safety Health and Safety practices and policies should be developed and implemented in the business. Also, safety and health risk identification has to be undertaken. This will lead to betterment in risk management strategies. 6.3.4 Social issues Social issues include community involvement, human recourse and fair business practices. The Code requires that businesses adopt fair policies in promotion and recruitment of employees.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Got Internet Pornography? Essay -- Internet Pornography Essays

Got Internet Pornography? Pornography is viewed differently by everyone. Is pornography as bad as it is made out to be? What if it is that persons outlet from reality, just like smoking, drinking, snowboarding, skiing. Is it hurting anyone. Some say it is degrading to women. Do those women that do it think it is degrading. If they did they wouldn’t do it. There are several different types of pornography in the world. It started in art where we had sculptures of Aphrodite naked, we had many artists who painted pictures of nude women. But people look at that and say oh how pretty. But in the present day we have printing presses, we have internet, and people try to make their own art with their bodies and people criticize them. Why? How? Are they jealous because they don’t feel comfortable with showing their bodies to people. Pornography has taken a drastic turn since the internet. I will be talking about the pros and cons for pornography on the internet, the increase in child pornography, the boom ing of pornography on the internet ,and the confusion with all the different laws in our society. â€Å"Pornography in the 90's has been on a steady increase. With the popularity of the internet growing daily, pornography has also grown. Pornography has NOT however grown to the Herculean proportions which many believe. The industry itself according to Forbes is 'at best $520 million' (Forbes.com) not the $10 billion which is a false statistic, also according to Forbes.†(http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/%7Eskwong/pornography/internet.html). I believe that pornography on the internet is a good idea because you can monitor it easier than monitoring those hidden magazines that your kids somehow always find them. This way you don’t have to go to the s... ...tables that show from a survey about how many people have visited sex sites broken down to male female, born again Christians, married, single, living together, divorced, and widowed. These graphs will show that pornography is not that dangerous, and is harmless. Although it has it’s pros and cons I am for pornography, it gives a person that escape from reality like everyone needs once in a while. On the down side I am and will always be against child pornography on some degree. Younger than 16 I am against it totally but 16 that is a gray area for me because when I was 18 years old my girlfriend was 16 years old. So it’s like looking at porn but in the flesh. That’s why I say they should make up their minds about the age. Either you can give consent to get pictures taken of you or you can’t give sex until you are 18. It’s one or the other it can’t be both. Got Internet Pornography? Essay -- Internet Pornography Essays Got Internet Pornography? Pornography is viewed differently by everyone. Is pornography as bad as it is made out to be? What if it is that persons outlet from reality, just like smoking, drinking, snowboarding, skiing. Is it hurting anyone. Some say it is degrading to women. Do those women that do it think it is degrading. If they did they wouldn’t do it. There are several different types of pornography in the world. It started in art where we had sculptures of Aphrodite naked, we had many artists who painted pictures of nude women. But people look at that and say oh how pretty. But in the present day we have printing presses, we have internet, and people try to make their own art with their bodies and people criticize them. Why? How? Are they jealous because they don’t feel comfortable with showing their bodies to people. Pornography has taken a drastic turn since the internet. I will be talking about the pros and cons for pornography on the internet, the increase in child pornography, the boom ing of pornography on the internet ,and the confusion with all the different laws in our society. â€Å"Pornography in the 90's has been on a steady increase. With the popularity of the internet growing daily, pornography has also grown. Pornography has NOT however grown to the Herculean proportions which many believe. The industry itself according to Forbes is 'at best $520 million' (Forbes.com) not the $10 billion which is a false statistic, also according to Forbes.†(http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/%7Eskwong/pornography/internet.html). I believe that pornography on the internet is a good idea because you can monitor it easier than monitoring those hidden magazines that your kids somehow always find them. This way you don’t have to go to the s... ...tables that show from a survey about how many people have visited sex sites broken down to male female, born again Christians, married, single, living together, divorced, and widowed. These graphs will show that pornography is not that dangerous, and is harmless. Although it has it’s pros and cons I am for pornography, it gives a person that escape from reality like everyone needs once in a while. On the down side I am and will always be against child pornography on some degree. Younger than 16 I am against it totally but 16 that is a gray area for me because when I was 18 years old my girlfriend was 16 years old. So it’s like looking at porn but in the flesh. That’s why I say they should make up their minds about the age. Either you can give consent to get pictures taken of you or you can’t give sex until you are 18. It’s one or the other it can’t be both.